AACL Poster Competition 2023
How to enter & Terms and Conditions for the AACLTMJohannesburg School Poster & Poetry Competition 2022.
The AACLTM Johannesburg School Poster & Poetry Competition 2022 is organised by AACLTM Johannesburg, at 59 Alice Street, Regents Park, Johannesburg, 2197. 011-435 0672 / educate@aacl-jhbnb.co.za
“Animal Friends Leave Their Footprints Forever on Your Heart”
Opening and closing of the competition:
The competition opens for entry on 1 June 2022.
The closing date of the competition is at 12pm on 28 October 2022.
The competition is open to any Primary School learner of South Africa, unless excluded by these competition rules.
Entrants may enter pictures and/or poems in the relevant age/grade category.
By entering the competition, entrants and the entrant’s parent, teacher or guardian acknowledge that they have read, understood, and accepted these competition rules.
No ART/POSTER online submissions will be accepted.
Online POETRY (Category 4) submissions will be accepted on email address: educate@aacl-jhbnb.co.za A single entrant may submit no more than 2 pictures / poems per annual competition.
Learners from AACLTM employees and staff are not eligible to enter; neither are children from any current or former competition judges or their immediate family members, or any organisers or sponsors who are associated with this competition.
AACLTM Johannesburg does not accept any responsibility for late, lost, incomplete, incorrectly submitted, delayed, illegible or misdirected entries, claims or correspondence, whether due to error, tampering, theft, destruction, communications failure or otherwise.
AACLTM Johannesburg and its employees will not be liable for any claim, loss, damage, injury, cost and expense suffered, sustained or incurred (including but not limited to indirect or consequential) as a result of, arising out of, or in any way connected with the competition or your entry (or winning and use of the prize if the prize winner), except for any liability which cannot be excluded by law (in which case that liability is limited to the maximum allowable by law), and you indemnify and release AACLTM Johannesburg and its employees from all such claims made or sustained as a result of entering this competition, or for any loss or damage suffered as a result of any breach by you of these terms and conditions, including breach of any third party intellectual property rights and/or any warranty or representation being false or incorrect. This clause survives the conclusion of the competition.
The laws of South Africa shall apply to these competition rules. If any part of these competition rules is void or unenforceable, then that part will be severed from, and the remainder construed as if the severed part had never existed.
How to enter in the competition Categories:
Category 1: Poster: Grade 1& 2 Category 2: Poster: Grade 3,4 & 5 Category 3: Poster: Grade 6 & 7 Category 4: Poetry Grade 5,6 & 7*
Create Posters and/or Poems* demonstrating ways in which people show love, compassion and kindness to animals, care for and effect their lives in positive ways.
The objective is to foster respect, kindness & compassion to animals and advance the message of humane treatment of animals.
I. Your real Name & Surname (No pseudonyms), Age, Entry Category and Grade must accompany each entry
II. Add your E-mail Address and Contact Number & your School’s Name.
III. You can donate an amount of your choice to the AACLTM JHB and send proof with your entry.
This money will be used by the AACLTM JHB in their work of protecting and caring for animals. For Banking details contact the AACLTM JHB on 011 435 0672 / educate@aacl-jhbnb.co.za Posters (Category 1, 2, 3)
You may use any medium e.g., paint; crayon; pencil, ink etc. A3 or A2 size paper only
Only original work. Copyright applies.
Framed or folded posters will not be accepted.
Entries must not have been published in any form or entered in any competition.
Poetry (Category 4) only for Grade 5,6 & 7
Interpret the theme “Animal Friends Leave Their Footprints Forever on Your Heart” as a guideline. You may use this as the title of your poem.
No poems will be accepted which:
contain hate speech or disparage or defame any individual, group, or organisation
contain swearing or blasphemy.
Poems should not be shorter than 4 lines and not exceed 16 lines (excluding title)
Any style of poetry is acceptable, e.g., sonnet, rhymed, unrhymed etc.
Only original work is excepted. Copyright applies.
AACLTM JHB will not be liable for any damages arising from litigation around plagiarised poems that have not been identified by the competition’s organisers (these should be reported to the organisers on educate@aacl-jhbnb.co.za)
You may enter your poem(s) (max. two) in any of the 11 official SA languages. If your poem is not in English, an English translation of your poem would be appreciated.
Poems translated into English, must be from the original work.
Entries must not have been published in any form, including print, on websites, public areas of social networking sites, broadcast, featured among the winners of another competition or submitted elsewhere for consideration. This includes print and online magazines, anthologies, websites, etc. A breach of this rule will result in immediate disqualification.
Post or deliver entries (In protective cover e.g., envelope) to: AACL Johannesburg
59 Alice Street
Regents Park 2197
Before the closing date: 12pm, 28 October 2022.
Disqualification of entries
The AACLTM JHB Poster/Art and Poetry Competition judging panel (the “judging panel”) reserves the right to refuse any entries at its sole discretion. The judging panel also reserves the right to disqualify any entrant or entry at its absolute discretion. For example, the judging panel may disqualify:
I. Any surplus or additional entries. A maximum of 2 entries per learner, applies.
II. Incomplete, indecipherable, or illegal entries, or entries containing incorrect contact details.
III. Entries that AACLTM JHB considers inappropriate for any reason.
IV. Late arrivals after the closing date of the competition.
AACLTM JHB reserves the right, at any time, to verify the validity of entries and the mandatory details provided by entrants (including an entrant’s identity, age, and parental/legal guardian permission), and to disqualify any entrant who submits an entry that is not in accordance with these terms and conditions. The identification necessary for verification is at the sole discretion of AACLTM JHB. Failure by AACLTM JHB to enforce any of its rights at any stage does not constitute a waiver of those rights.
Evaluation of entries
The decisions of the judging panel relating to this competition are final and binding, and no subsequent correspondence will be entered into.
The judging panel is not obliged to provide feedback or critical comment on individual entries.
Entrants not selected for prizes in this competition, are free to submit their poems for consideration elsewhere (i.e., to other competitions or for publication) after November 2022.
Evaluation criteria of posters / artworks
Poster message & interpretation of the theme, emotive power. Its ability to educate, tell a story, inform, and inspire. (50%)
Artistic ability and technical excellence, including Originality; Child’s own work; Creativity; Skill and attention to detail; Layout and structure; Use of colour; Presentation. (50%)
Evaluation criteria of poems
Poems will be judged on the following qualities:
I. Technical excellence: The attention that is given to detail in all linguistic aspects, including grammar and spelling.
II. Structure: The organisation and structure with which thoughts are presented.
III. Rhyme and meter: When used, rhyme and meter must work together with the sense of the poem to create a
pleasing effect.
IV. Assonance and alliteration: good use of sound to create mood and effect.
V. Choice of words and readability: The effective use of words, with attention to sound and nuance to convey meaning, is important, as well as the use of descriptive language and imagery.
VI. Form and flow: The shape that the poem takes on paper and whether there is a natural, effortless progression in thought, tempo, and pace.
VII. Emotive power: How poignant, expressive, and compelling the poem is, and its ability to move, touch and inspire.
VIII. Entertainment or educational value: How engaging, stimulating, engrossing and provocative the poem is, and whether it is informative, useful, enlightening, or educational.
IX. Originality: The effort that the poet has made to conceptualise unusual phrases and novel ideas.
X. Refinement: The expert touch, finesse, sophistication, savoir faire, grace, and flair with which the poet endows the poem.
All prizes in this competition are sponsored.
Simmonds Hampton Trust: First Prizes of R2000 in each of the 3 Poster Categories Cash prizes will only be paid EFT into winners’ personal/own banking accounts.
30 Merit Hamper Prizes sponsored by Cartoon Candy, Dean’s Stationery, PVM Nutritional Sciences, Build-A-Bear Workshop, Gold Reef City Theme Park, Animaltalk Magazine and
Lifestyle Pet Hyper.
Prizes are not transferable, exchangeable, or payable in cash or other products.
The AACLTM JHB is therefore not responsible for any defects in prizes, nor for delivery, nor for any damage during delivery (where applicable).
Notification of winners
Prize-winners will be notified shortly after adjudication not later than 31 November 2022
Prize-winners must collect their prizes from the AACL JHB by 31 December 2022. Uncollected prizes will be forfeited and awarded to other merit award recipients.
Due to the sheer volume of entries, only successful entrants will be notified. Details of the winners will be announced on the AACLTM JHB Facebook Page.
AACLTM JHB cannot accept any responsibility for any damage, loss, injury, or disappointment suffered by any entrant
entering the competition.
AACLTM JHB reserves the right both to cancel the competition and to amend these rules where it is deemed necessary or to account for circumstances beyond AACLTM JHB’s control. Any notice of cancellation or changes to the rules will be posted on its website.
In the event of any dispute regarding these rules or any other matter relating to the competition, the decision of AACLTM JHB shall be final, and no correspondence or discussion shall be entered into.
Entries not complying with the competition rules will be disqualified, as will entrants in breach of the rules.
Entrants must not approach or attempt to influence any judge or member of AACLTM JHB staff over competition matters.
The competition rules will be governed by South African law, and any dispute will be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of South Africa.
The entrant must ensure that the poster and/or poem entered:
I. Is an original work of the entrant as defined in the South African Copyright Act 98 of 1978.
II. Is not published, under offer to any publication, or offered for publication (unpublished) until the
adjudication is finalised and the winner is notified and announced.
By entering the competition, the entrant warrants that he or she is the sole owner of the poster/poem and the sole copyright owner of the poster/content of the poem (material) and that he or she is compliant with and agrees to comply with these terms and conditions. This clause shall survive the conclusion of the competition.
Usage rights mean that the artists of the posters and authors of poems that are accepted for the competition (and the entrant’s parent or guardian), grant AACLTM JHB irrevocable, non-exclusive licence to use and republish their work in perpetuity, including but not limited to:
I. Publishing the work online.
II. Publishing the work in print or online as part of an anthology or as an information resource.
III. Production of reprints.
IV. Using the work for publicity purposes.
All the rights mentioned above cover distribution or publication anywhere in the world.
Copyright of the poems resides with the poets, and they will retain the right to use or publish all worked entered for the AACLTM JHB Poetry Competition after closure of the competition.
Use of personal information
Entrants’ personal information as defined by the Protection of Personal Information (POPI) Act, 2013, may be collected, used, and disclosed by AACLTM JHB for competition purposes and other functions incidental hereto, including disclosure of the winner’s personal information in publications made available to the public throughout the world, by use of online, print and other media services and communication tools.
By entering the competition, you and your parent or legal guardian, consent to AACLTM JHB using and disclosing any part of your personal information provided as set out above, including, without limitation, the following:
I. Use in any communications, publications, marketing, or promotional activities associated with the competition
II. In the event of winning, use and disclosure of your name and photograph(s) for publicity, marketing, promotional and publication purposes, including throughout the world, whether by online, print, or other media services and communication tools.
You may withdraw your consent to future use and disclosure of personal information in promotional and marketing activities and publications at any time by written notice to educate@aacl-jhbnb.co.za and, upon receipt of such notice, AACLTM JHB will take reasonable steps to cease using and disclosing that personal information as soon as is reasonably possible. In some instances, AACLTM JHB will not be able to cease the use or disclosure, for example, where information has been cached by others.