AACL-JHB is concerned about changing, conflicting and poor information that is circulating on social media after South Africa went into lockdown on Friday 27 March 2020 regarding pets, that is leaving pet owners confused and worried. More concerning is that animals are potentially at risk, as the numbers of pets being abandoned by anxious families unsure if they pose a risk or how they can care for them in isolation.
Pets are a big part of our families and it is important to make sure they stay happy. Isolation for us can mean some big changes for our pets and they won’t understand why.
Like many others, AACL-JHB is not immune from the challenges during this time, with reduced staffing, loss of volunteers and pressure on resources. We need to reassure you the pet owners with responsible advice so you can continue to look after your pets and hopefully to prevent our kennels and other shelters being overwhelmed at this challenging time.
Should you have any concerns please contact us on jhb@aacl-jhbnb.co.za or your local Veterinary practice for assistance.